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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's just ranting about work.

Programming is wonderful when you get to see what it does for you. It is totally an alien-bizarre thing if you don't see it. lol It's crawling into the 3rd month since I joined this research team. I've been doing a lot of research since the first month. I tried like dunno how many software and setups and etc just to come out with something easy to configure and use. I never understand why my supervisor just tell me to do so and thought, urghh I'm just another intern he calls me to do some research do my own job kinda thing.

But in the end, the main objective was achieved. I learned a lot from trial and error. I rmb there are days I'm frustrated with myself because I can't figure things out and it just won't work. But everytime I packed up and go home at the end of the day and come back next morning things aren't as bad after all. I have to admit the most difficult part was to setup database connection which I never like since the beginning. I was glad now that I could figure how things work when error comes out and even helped my sv configure it sometimes.

My sv has been great to me all this while. He's being too kind sometimes I just felt bad for him lol He always asked if I would like to go home earlier on Friday when he wants to discuss about my task for next week. He joked at times and was ever friendly. I almost didn't treat him like my sv. haha That being the fact, I always have the urge to show him some results. I want to contribute as much as I can and sometimes I feel I'm not doing enough and my lacking of knowledge is not helpful at all but whenever he comes to ask about my progress, he compliments my work and stuff and of course that put a huge smile on my face cos that meant a lot to me. So, in the end I felt am I the one that put too high an expectation.

Well, things have been great like I said, I'm loving my job cos I'm loving what I do. I really do agree that you should do what you love and then you'll enjoy and see the output of it. Otherwise, most of the time you'll ended up grumbling and complaining which you wouldn't want. I'm glad I knew what I wanted from the start. I had a good head start and to be where I am today, it's definitely of all God's glory. Every choice I made, it leads me on from one to another. If you ask me how I know where to go, I really don't know. It's like there is a stepping stone popping up each time I step forward. Missing puzzle just fix it all together piece by piece. It just fits. Only God knows. =)

I feel like I just started my internship but time really flies, it's been 2 freaking months and yes, it has already changed a lot of my perspectives for life and future. It's like you feel grown up and know where ure heading finally. You rearrange what you want out of your life and rethink what you will do at certain point. You pick what's best for you. Suddenly, the things you once thought was great and wanted it so badly now turned out to be something you feel so stupid and useless and thought of throwing it away.

Alright I'm getting all too abstract lol Anyway, just wanna thank God for all of these that had happened to me. Every step, every experience, every moment that He put me in has been amazingly great :) I couldn't thank Him enough for all of this. It will be a long journey ahead but He always gave me this motivation to keep running ahead and never give up. Sometimes I wonder where that came from too. haha

Just rmb life isn't that bad after all. Whatever doesn't kill you definitely makes you stronger. =)

Cheers, everyone.


yenpinng said...

awww reminded me of my sv..hehe for me,i eventually grew to treat/talk/email my sv as i would a friend, although i still address him Dr. ;) they r just really nice people huh :D

Mellissa Lee said...

aww.. yeah nice people but my other senior from UTP his sv quite strict so he can't really do anything else in office but work.. lol thank God my sv is not in office wan.