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Friday, September 30, 2011

Belgium Music :)

Last Sunday, Shikha (one of my friend from church) called me at quite a last minute and said there will be some music band coming over for a small performance at Freie Christengemeinde Church in Linz. I don't usually prefer going to Linz few times over the weekends from Wels if there aren't anything bcos it can be costly for the train tickets if I go even twice. It's 5.40Euro (two-ways) hence, if I were to go twice it'll be 10.80euro (RM46+). I used to overlook such thing ya no spending on travelling or pay for the sake of getting an easier way out kinda thing but right now, when I'm here earning my own euro, every cents count!! Yeah, call me money-minded but that's what I have to do. I think it's not that bad after all to be thrifty and start thinking before spending.

Anyway, the point is last Sunday, I went to Linz twice again (attended service on Saturday too) and I'm glad I did. At first, I thought it'll be some sort of a worship night or so but it turned out to be a whole night music performances. I am totally thrilled by the music band from Belgium!! Hands down to all of them especially the bassist. It was my first time watching a bassist solo performance and he was flipping his hands on the string like it's so soft and who cares about blisters right. lol most of all, I love the song he played, they were great. For one moment, I couldn't blink. haha Overall, the whole music performance was amazing. I had a good night of music :)

I'm a little lazy to write more. So, here goes the photos..

the backup singers joined in later with amazing voices too :)

It was a two-tier hall which can fit hundreds maybe. But for such size of a church to have such great sound system like the one we had back in Glad Tidings Klang is beyond speechless. I mean they have quite a good quality speaker and instruments for worship. That's just great.

The pianist, which truly plays wonderfully :) I've always have a soft spot for a guy pianist :')

Some of the church members joined in as a small choir group at the end.

Truly a great start for the week :D

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